SMART Goals and Plans

Below are my current S.M.A.R.T. goals for improving my personal Health and Financial situations. I’ll set new goals as I reach these, and provide status updates regularly in my pursuit. I am also including a section below on plans I have for my Youtube Channel and this website over the coming months.


Health Goals

  • Be able to ride a bike with my daughter

  • Buy a new wardrobe

  • Ride a roller coaster

  • No longer require seat extender on an airplane


Wealth Goals

  • Acquire two more rental properties

  • Invest 25% of monthly income in long term assets

  • Spend under monthly budget for Sept, Oct, and Nov 2020

  • Set up a better process to track personal and business expenses


Website/Youtube Channel Plans

  • Publish at least two blogs on the website, and two videos on Youtube per week

  • I’ll work to add picture, videos, color, backgrounds, etc. to the website over the next few weeks. I wanted to get it functioning and launched before worrying about beautifying it

  • I’ll work on capturing B-Roll for the YouTube channel

  • Starting in Oct., I’ll work to set a schedule for regular updates on Social Media to amplify visibility

  • I’ll work on understanding how to monetize YT and the website in (mostly) non-intrusive ways

  • By the end of 2020, I want to start interviewing people for their take on Accountability and to hear their stories. This will be published on YT with accompanying blog posts capturing salient points and lessons learned