Saving my life; one choice at a time.
My name is Andrew and this website and my Youtube channel will help me save my life.
I’m in my mid 30’s, happily married; father to an amazing daughter; have an excellent job that I love; and I’m unhealthy to the point where I worry some days will be my last.
As I start this endeavor, I weigh over 400lbs. I haven’t always been in this bad of shape. I used to be a professional athlete in my early 20’s, but with all the good in my life, I’ve made terrible health decision after terrible health decision to reach this point.
In addition to physical health, I’ll share my experiences improving my personal finances. My wife and I both grew up poor. We never starved, but there were times when our families didn’t know how rent was going to be paid, or could only pay one of the utilities bills and would cycle them monthly hoping they wouldn’t be turned off for non-payment. After moving out on my own, there were stints where I lived in gyms and slept in laundry rooms because I didn’t have anywhere to stay. Over time, we’ve done ‘ok’ for ourselves financially, but we’ve only just started to learn about true personal finance, investing, and making money work for us. This has become a passion of mine over the last two years, and I want to share what I’ve learned, and more importantly, drive discussion to learn even more from others.
I’m going to use this site and a Youtube channel to document my efforts until I reach my goals in both financial and physical health. Why? Because I believe accountability matters. I believe accountability is what drives people. Some people are accountable to themselves, some are accountable to their family, friends, or boss, but this accountability is what makes people do right. In the past, I had excellent self-discipline, but somewhere along the way I lost it. I’ve been able to get it back for periods of time, but then it slips again and I’ve faltered. This time, I’m recruiting the entire world to join me and be that extra voice of accountability when my own wanes.
A parallel, but ulterior motive for doing this (which may come off as morbid to those close to me), is that I worry I won’t be here one day. I worry my daughter will wake up without a father; my wife without a husband. This is my motivation to make lifestyle changes and course correct my future, but this website and any other content I produce will also be a legacy for my daughter in the future. I grew up without a father and I know the impact that has. I know the days I asked myself, ‘why doesn’t my father love me enough to be a part of my life?’ I also know my wife loves me, but when she married me, this wasn’t the life she expected. In many ways it’s better than we thought it would be, but in others it’s far less than I promised her. I want my wife to know I love and respect her enough to love, respect, and care for myself so I can be here for her fully. I want my daughter and wife to know I love them deeply and they motivate me to be better. I want a piece of me to be available to them if anything were to ever happen to me, whether it be during my health journey, or if I’m hit by a meteor next year.
Thank you for being here. Please follow, engage, and help me and others along on our journeys of personal development, and know we’ll be here for you.
After all, Accountability Compounds.